Filter Bar

The Filter Bar offers different filters and a full text search - which will make your Scrum meetings even faster and more efficient.

Filter Bar

The Filter Bar shows all board members. Those who are logged in are marked with a green dot next to the icon in their color. By clicking on the user icon, all those IntelliStickies will be highlighted where the respective board member is the owner or an assignee. It is possible to select several board members at the same time.

Next to the board member icons you will find options for filtering your IntelliStickies according to their status: Open, Waiting, Done and Cancelled.

Since release 01/2020 it is also possible to filter for all sticky notes linked to Jira.

You can filter your stickies according to colours as well – this proves to be especially useful if you define different categories for your tasks or are managing several projects in one board.

By clicking on the filter button all filters will be reset.

Remember: All filters can be applied simultaneously!


Full Text Search: Use the search function to find any IntelliSticky on the board that contains your keyword.