Scrum Meeting mit ALEAS Board

Enabling digital transformation


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STAGILE®: The agile-hybrid framework

The best elements of traditional process models combined with modern agile concepts: The result: STAGILE® – a powerful agile hybrid framework that has proven itself over many years and is constantly being further developed. STAGILE® can be used in product development, agile hardware development or agile system development as well as in strategy implementation and agile organization and team management.

As pioneers in the region, we have been working with agile and lean methods in various management levels and industries for over 20 years. Based on our experience, we have developed STAGILE® to bring together the best, field-proven elements of different approaches. We are particularly pleased that all the teams we have transformed with STAGILE® are still using and developing our method after years. 100% success rate, so to speak. We would be happy to show you how agile project management works in practice, how you can successfully implement your strategy with agile methods and how you can organise and manage your company or department in an agile way. Our STAGILE® Coaches will accompany the implementation with personal consulting and team workshops.

Increasing complexity, globalisation, digitalisation – the modern world is changing so rapidly that established concepts for product development are no longer sufficient to navigate safely to success. We need a new awareness of innovation, we need to question habits. With STAGILE® we respond to these challenges and support companies on their way into an agile future.

Klaus Madlener, STAGILE®-Inventor

Your advantages at a glance

  • Time saving thanks to adaptive planning
  • Quality improvement
  • Reduction of administrative tasks, more time for essentials (Creating Value)
  • More flexibility and transparency – clear focus, clear roles
  • Greater personal responsibility and better communication within the team
  • More efficient networking within the company
  • Employee commitment and empowerment (entrepreneurship)
  • Increased employee satisfaction and motivation
  • 100% positive feedback, 100% success rate

Many fields of application

With STAGILE® you can apply the advantages of agile methods in many areas:

  • Software and hardware development
  • System and product development
  • Strategy implementation
  • Agile Organisational Development
  • Agile Management and Leadership

Training on the job

True to the motto “learning by doing”, we do not hold theoretical lectures, but practical workshops in which the entire team gets to know the elements of STAGILE®. After a short training phase, we accompany you and your employees on site, train and coach you during your work. This way no valuable time is lost and you can immediately apply STAGILE® in practice. After two to three weeks the team members work independently and after only a short time the first successes will become visible.

Implementation in 6 steps


Situation analysis

Together we analyse the current situation, define goals and work out the potential that you would like to unlock.


We work out a tailor-made solution for you, based on your requirements and wishes.

Preparation meeting

Based on all the gathered information we define the direction and discuss all the details.


Now is the time to get your team on board. In an extensive workshop we will show you what STAGILE® means.

Feedback and consulting

We accompany you and your team personally step by step into practice.


Finally, successes are celebrated, potentials for improvement sought and further steps defined.


An important part of the STAGILE® framework is the so-called „Daily“, an element of the SCRUM methodology. All project participants meet daily for a short meeting to discuss their current progress and bring their colleagues up to date. The STAGILE® board serves as the basis, whether analog or digital. The templates we designed especially for the STAGILE® board have also been integrated into our ALEAS Board – a software tool developed for agile planning and successful team collaboration. As simple as a paper board, but available anytime and anywhere. The ALEAS Board enables simple, effective teamwork despite temporal or spatial distances and is therefore optimally suited for remote teams as well.

Core Elements

STAGILE® combines a best-of selection of different methods with our own inventions and adaptations.

STAGILE Elements

Some of our references


We look forward to hearing from you!

We would be happy to explain all the advantages of the STAGILE® framework to you in a personal meeting.

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    STAGILE® Retrospectives